
Discover the Right Ways How to Make A Baby Sneeze

I feel so bad whenever my baby becomes cranky. The unhappiness and discomfort she felt make me want to cry every time. I do not know what to do even if I tried so many things such as giving her a new toy to play with or feeding her milk.

One day, I noticed that the cause of her crankiness is her stuffy nose. She couldn’t breathe easily! And the snots suspended in her nose make her uncomfortable. She cries a lot of times and does not even want to finish her milk.

I thought my baby could take the snots off her nose by sneezing them. But, I realized that she is a baby, and she still does not know how to sneeze. I tried to help her sneeze by rubbing her nose and even demonstrate sneezing, but these actions did not help at all. I wanted to look for ways, but I also want to be sure that it is safe for my baby.

So, I have researched ways on how to make a baby sneeze. In this post, you will learn the safe steps on how to help your infant de-congest his nose.


Know The First the Reason Why You Need to Help Your Baby Sneeze

Know The First the Reason Why You Need to Help Your Baby Sneeze

Sneezing is a form of reflex mechanism that protects the body from impurities, bacteria, and viruses. We often sneeze involuntarily as a way of our body to expel unwanted elements inside of it that we may not be aware. However, there are times when we force ourselves to sneeze especially instances of common colds.

Your baby sneezing is as common as adults do. Still, their sneezes are less frequent and sometimes requiring a trigger. As a result, a block starts to accumulate in their nasal passages, and often it is not enough for their body to sneeze out involuntarily.

That is why we need to help our baby sneeze to eliminate their nasal passages of any block. If we see our baby sneezing, it may be a relief knowing that the clogs are removed. Just take note that it does not necessarily follow that they are sick or have colds.

Other reasons why your baby needs to sneeze:

Clean out their nose for breathing - Babies breathe through their mouths. Once out into the world, they need to adjust and switch from breathing through the mouth to breathing through the nose. If the nose is not cleared, it will be difficult for them to do so.

Open closed nostril - Some babies have closed nostrils. One of the causes is due to the pressing of their noses during feeding. Since their bodies are still soft and flexible, their bodies easily conform to what their environment influence. So, constant pressing of their noses can lead to a flat nose or the shutting of one of their nostrils. To help open these nostrils, they will need to sneeze.

What Causes Nasal Congestion

Since nasal congestion is the main reason why your baby needs to sneeze, it is also important to know what may be causing these congestions.

I remember my little girl sneezing and feeling uneasy when breathing. I thought she was sick with flu and we went to have a check up with her doctor. But then, her doctor asked me if there are pets in the house or if the house is clean. I wondered how is this related to what my baby is going through, but she explained that pet hairs and dust might be causing my baby to sneeze.

Clogs that may block our baby’s nasal passages may include some factors. These factors may be common elements we see in the house such as dust, pet hair, and clothes lint. These tiny particles can quickly enter the nostrils of our baby.

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There are instances when smoke present in the environment irritates your child’s nose. Others even experience congestion when milk enters their noses. It is reflux or spitting up that creates mild swelling along the nasal passages because the milk keeps on passing along the way from the back.

Other causes of nasal congestion:

  • Accumulation of snots and mucus along the passages.
  • For newborn babies, some amniotic fluid may still be present in their nasal passages, which takes a few days of clearing.
  • ​Presence of the common cold virus
  • ​The existence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), a common respiratory illness when mucus is never emptied in the nose, and the virus is already entering the lungs.
  • Sensitivity to dry air causing the nasal secretions to dry out and congest the nose.
  • Enlarged adenoids can block nasal passages since these tissues are located near the entrance. Since adenoids and tonsils filter the viruses and bacteria that enter the body, the germs coming in can infect these tissues thus resulting in swelling.

Signs of nasal congestion:

  • Noisy breathing coming from the nose
  • There is a clear watery discharge from the nose
  • ​Coughing
  • ​Endless sniffling
  • Watery eyes 6. Snoring when sleeping

Different Ways to Make a Baby Sneeze

Despite their inability to sneeze on their own, we can instigate means to make our children sneeze safely.

Make your baby smell some spices

You can find different kinds of spices that have unique and strong smells. When placed near the nose, it can make a person sneeze. For instance, there is coriander, peppermint, and pepper.

However, when using spices for your baby, make sure it is not too irritating to his nose. An overwhelming smell can already lead to detrimental effects on the nose, leading it to severe irritation. Also, a potent smell can already affect his eyes.

Instead, crush the pepper or other spices and place it in a jar. Put the jar near your baby, but not too near his nose that the smell is already too powerful for him.

Tickle the nose

It will be fun to lightly tease your baby with a ticklish material such as a soft tissue, a clean feather or even a cloth. Tickling can lead to sneezing and is a safe solution to get the mucus out.

When using a material for tickling, make sure it is clean and free of any contaminants that can get inside your baby’s nose and irritate it. Also, avoid inserting the entire piece in the nostrils. Gradually push a small portion into his nose. You can also rub outside the nostrils.

Expose your baby to the sun


Surprisingly, some people actually sneeze when exposed to the sun. We call these people “photics,” from the Greek word meaning “of light.” There are about one of three people belonging to this type of individuals.

If your baby is considered “photic,” you will be amazed how his light sensitivity can help him decongest his nose. Expose him too early morning sunlight since it is the safest time of the day when the sun is not harmful to the body.

Exposure to steam

Exposure to hot steam can help in thinning down the blockage along his nasal passages and encourage your baby to cough and sneeze. Steaming addresses nasal congestion caused by dry air.

There are several ways to apply this method:

Use a humidifier: vaporizer or diffuser inside the room. It can help alter the atmosphere and prevent dry air. The warm mist can also enter your baby’s nose, causing him to sneeze. Make sure your devices are thoroughly clean inside out to create a fresh mist and prevent infection and bacteria to enter your baby’s nose.

Give him a quick steam bath: Turn on the showers with hot water and allow the steam to fill the bathroom. Hold your baby tight and submerge yourselves in the steam. It will be relaxing and helpful for you both. You can also add essential oils such as mint or eucalyptus. Just make sure that the smell is not too overpowering and only a complement. Limit the number of minutes for your baby and do not go beyond 5 minutes. Also, see to it that the steam is not too warm for your baby’s skin.

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Use carbonated drinks

You may wonder how is it safe to use carbonated drink for your baby to sneeze. Fortunately, you do not have to let him drink it. Just place the fizzy drink beside his nose to trigger a sneeze.

When we drink carbonated products, we have this tickling feeling in our nose every time we take a sip. We want our baby to experience the same feeling so that he can sneeze.

Irrigate the nose using a nasal saline solution

A saltwater mist solution can trigger a sneeze and help in clearing a stuffy nose. It is a concentration of salt water proven safe for baby’s use. All you need to do is to use a nasal spray with the mist solution. Hold your baby in a reclining position and slowly spray the solution to each nostril.

When using a saline solution, see to it that your doctor approves it. There are medical nasal sprays that are not ideal for babies and might create side effects. Use a baby-safe and non-flooding effect solution.

Some parents would choose to create their saline solution at home. An example is mixing a cup of water with ½ teaspoon of table salt. Boil it for 15 minutes and let it cool before using.

However, when making your saline solution, ensure that you are using fresh and clean ingredients. Use distilled water in boiling. Make sure your hands are clean when preparing the solution.

What I Recommend

Whenever my baby’s nose is congested, I always grab my Nasal Aspirator. It is a small device that sucks out the mucus and snot off your child’s nose. I choose this method because it is efficient and can take away the congestion in a few minutes. It is also easy to use with varieties of aspirators to choose from. And, it is safe for my baby since my doctor recommends it.

Types of Nasal Aspirators:

Bulb nasal aspirator – It is among the most widely- used aspirators and even given by hospitals to new mothers. It sucks the mucus by sucking in the air when refilling the bulb after a squeeze.

Electric Nasal Aspirator – It works on its own to suck the mucus out of the nose. It is battery-powered, and you only have to turn on the device to allow it to work.

Human Suction Nasal Aspirator – It is powered by the suction ability of the parent. One end of the aspirator will be inserted in the nostrils while the mother will gradually suck the other end of the tube until the mucus is removed.

What You Will Need

  • Nasal Aspirator – Choose the kind of aspirator you are at ease with. See to it that your aspirator is designed for infant use.
  • Saline Drops/Spray – Use a saline solution to help loosen the mucus. Suction in the nose is smooth and fast when mucus is loose enough to flow out.
  • ​Soap – Choose a mild and anti-bacterial soap to clean your aspirator thoroughly after use.
  • Warm Water – It will help in properly rinsing the soap and mucus out of your aspirator.

Steps to Use the Nasal Aspirator

Step 1 – Use Your Saline Solution

Step 1 – Use your Saline solution

Hold your baby and lay him flat on a surface or a reclined position on your lap while you cradle him. Take the nasal spray and spray 2 to 3 drops of the saline solution to each of your baby’s nostrils.

Maintain the same position after spraying for five minutes or place your baby in a tilted position when laid flat. The mucus and the solution will gradually come out of the nose. Do not worry if no mucus will come out since you will use the nasal aspirator later. Wipe his nose with a clean tissue.

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Step 2 – Prepare Your Nasal Aspirator

Step 2 – Prepare your nasal aspirator

Keep your baby in a semi-upright position or lay him flat on a soft surface.

When using a nasal bulb aspirator, first squeeze the bulb until all the air comes out and creates a vacuum. Maintaining the squeeze, gently insert the tip of the bulb into the nostril. Gradually and slowly release the bulb to suck in the air.

When using an electric nasal aspirator, turn on the power button. Put the tip of the aspirator in the nostril and wait until the mucus is sucked out. Remove the device out of his nose and turn the power off.

When using a human suction nasal aspirator, hold the tip in one hand where you will suck the air out. Using the other hand, place the other end of the aspirator inside the nostril. Slowly, suck the tip using your mouth to suck the air, including the mucus and snot.

Step 3 – Clean Your Aspirator

Step 3 – Clean your aspirator

Prepare your soap and water by mixing to create a solution. Disassemble your aspirator according to the user manual, if necessary. Place each part in the mixture and let it soak for a few minutes.

Shake the aspirator to remove the mucus and other elements out of it. Focus on the tip of the device to ensure that no mucus is left behind. Rinse the equipment well with warm water. Let it dry.

Extra Tips: How to Avoid Nasal Congestion in Babies

  • Keep your house clean. At least, clean your nursery. Dust and other particles can enter your child’s nose and clog it. Vacuum and dust his room regularly when he is not inside.
  • Use a vaporizer in his room. If the weather is unusually cold and stuffy, turn on the vaporizer to regulate humidity and heat inside the house. It will prevent dry air and the thickening of mucus along the nasal passages.
  • ​Clean your baby’s nose regularly. A saline solution is not only a remedy for nasal congestion but also a preventive means. Depending on your doctor’s recommendation, clean his passages with a regular spray of saline solution.
  • ​Boost his immune system. His body can help fight common cold viruses and bacteria that build up mucus in his nose. Allow him to take more Vitamin C and eat fruits that are immunity boosters.


Nasal congestion is a common case of babies that need to be addressed immediately. Children will feel irritated and uncomfortable every time their nasal passages are blocked by dirt, dust, mucus or snot. It will lead to less feeding, disturbed sleep, and cranky moods.

Using the different methods above can help regulate congestion and ensure that your baby is breathing well. You may find that parents have different opinions and ways about nasal decongestion, but it is always up to you what will work for you and your baby.

Before trying the methods, especially the new ones, I consulted with my pediatrician first. I asked for recommendations and any comments she has about other ways. That way, I am more confident that what I do is safe and efficient for my baby.

Nasal aspirators work like magic for me. It is easy to use since there are few processes involved and it does not make my child uneasy whenever I inserted the aspirator in her nose.

So, did you like the tutorial above? What other methods have you tried to make your baby sneeze?

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