Temperature For Baby Room

What’s The Best Temperature For Baby Room? (Plus More Things You Need To Know)

Every parent wants to ensure an ideal living environment for their baby. Thanks to modern technology, parents are now well provided with information on what’s quintessential and what is poor, as well as what’s safe and what is not.

One of the most common questions I get from first-time parents is, “What’s the best temperature for our baby’s room?” In this post, we’re going to answer that question and touch on additional things you need to know to provide the best living conditions for your little one.


Keeping Your Baby’s Temperature In Control

Babies, especially newborns, cannot regulate their body temperature as well as adults and children. Their body surface area to weight ratio is still developing, and they still tend to lose heat quickly.


They also don’t have enough insulating body fat yet. If your baby is premature or is sickly, you may want to pay more close attention to their body temperature. They can’t build up energy reserves as effectively yet and may take longer to get well if their temperature is not monitored.

Newborns, in particular, are dried immediately after birth to prevent heat loss. This is achieved through skin-to-skin contact with the mother. They may also be kept warm in an incubator. Once they are brought home for the first time, they can be kept warm with a hat and by swaddling them in a cloth or blanket.

A good way to check whether your baby is too cold or too warm is by touching his hands. If his skin feels cold and looks blotchy, this may indicate that his body temperature is a bit low. If his skin is red and flushed and if he’s restless, he may be too warm.

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Best Way To Ensure Ideal Temperature In The Nursery

Keeping the temperature in your baby’s room in the ideal is critical, as research shows that seasonality and temperature have been found to play a huge role in many cases of SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome.

There are varying opinions when it comes to what temperature is best for the nursery. Some say it should be kept between 68°F to 72°F, while others say it should be between 60°F to 68°F.

As a rule of thumb, the best temperature for your baby’s room is temperature that’s comfortable for any adult with light clothing on. If the room is too warm for you, it’s most probably too warm for your baby, too. If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your child as well.

To make sure your baby’s bodily temperature is regulated, here are important things to consider.

Regulate Room Temperature

Every nursery should have some type of thermometer for monitoring room temperature. Plan ahead and make sure you have one installed even before your baby arrives. While it’s tempting to wrap your baby in thick blanket and turn the thermostat up, it’s more beneficial to keep the room cool. It’s also a lot safer for your child.

Dress Your Baby For The Weather

This may sound obvious, but it’s important to dress your child appropriately according to the weather outside. This is especially true if you’re living in a tropical country where the weather could change without warning.

When you’re dealing with the summer heat, and you don’t have an A/C to keep the room cool, dress your baby in loose-fitting garments. Sleeveless bodysuits would also help keep him cool. Just make sure you choose clothing that’s made from cotton since it absorbs sweat more efficiently than synthetic fabric.


Since babies lose most of their body heat through their head, see to it that you cover your baby’s head lightly when it’s cold outside. Placing a sleep sack over your child’s pajamas is also a good way (and a much safer than using a blanket) to keep him warm during cold nights.

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Pick The Right Bed Sheet


Most parents have a tendency to place a lot of blankets inside their baby’s crib when the temperature drops outside. It may make sense, but it’s not a safe practice, as it increases the risk of SIDS.

According to research, a single thick blanket is enough to cause asphyxia in babies. A safer alternative would be to use a fitted crib sheet for your child’s bed, preferably made of cotton. Cotton offers excellent temperature control and can be utilized all year long regardless of the weather.

Use Insulation

Insulating your baby’s room will keep it warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. One way you can do that is by using thermal curtains in the windows. This window treatment is designed to prevent heat from escaping the room, keeping your child warm when it’s cold.

Another way you can insulate your baby’s room is by sealing leaky windows. Attaching caulk, weather stripping, or other sealants to the windows of the nursery will not only keep warm air inside the room but will also keep drafts out.

Here’s a great video that shows windows in a baby nursery being insulated, not only for the weather but also for sound:

Welcome The Open Air

Opening the windows during summer is a great way to save on energy while keeping your child’s bedroom cool. It allows cooler air to circulate inside the room and refreshes air that’s being breathed in at the same time.

The weather could be unpredictable, though, and could change anytime, so make sure you monitor your baby’s room regularly if you intend to leave the windows open, especially at night.

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Keep Your Baby Safe While Asleep With These Additional Tips

Use Sleep Surface That’s Flat and Firm

Use only top-quality mattress for your baby to sleep on. Make sure it’s flat, firm, and fits snugly into the cot. Your baby’s mattress plays a huge role in how cool or warm he will feel while sleeping.

Today, more and more parents are leaning towards the use of organic crib mattresses. They’re not only excellent in helping your child sleep cool, but are also free of allergens and harsh chemicals present in most regular mattresses.

Put Baby Monitor In Place


Psychology Today points out that it’s more natural for newborns to wake up at night than to sleep the entire night through, especially if they are breastfed. A baby monitor provides extra security and shows you what your baby is doing inside the crib. Some models even have thermometers to let you monitor the temperature in your baby’s room.

Avoid Over Bundling

Never cover your baby in layers of blankets, especially if he’s sick with a fever, as it would cause his temperature to rise quickly. If you feel that your little one needs an additional layer over his pajamas, a sleep sack should do the trick.

Use A Fan If Necessary


If there is no A/C unit in your child’s room and you can’t afford to keep the windows open, using a fan will help circulate the air and keep him cool. It may also reduce the risk of SIDS, as concluded in this study.

There you have it. We hope this post has answered your question on what temperature is best for your baby’s room.

Now, it’s your turn. How do you keep the temperature in your child’s room ideal? We would really love to know, so don’t think twice about sharing your ideas in the comments box!

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