How to Get Baby to Engage in Labor? Digest These Easy Steps and Exercises
The last weeks of pregnancy are always critical and tough. It is during those times when you start to observe intense pressure in the pelvis region. Why does this happen? When the pelvic area has increased pressure, it simply means that the baby has started dropping into position.
There are instances when the due date is approaching and the baby still has not assumed its position in the pelvis. Do not start fretting when this happens. Some babies usually do not engage in labor until it actually begins.
A lot of first time mothers usually wonder how to get baby to engage in labor. Here are some easy steps and exercises to help baby engage.
Determine The Baby’s Position
Knowing the position of your baby is as easy as 1-2-3. Do you have a midwife or know any midwife? Let your midwife check the baby’s position. Each time you sense your baby making some wriggling movement, try visualizing which part is actually responsible for the movement. You will also sense this when the baby kicks.
If you experience some tickling sensations, those are probably your baby’s tiny hands doing the movement. If the movements are more defined, it may actually be the foot, elbows, or knees moving. The bottom section of your baby feels softer while the head is round and hard.
Your baby is in the anterior position when you feel kicks underneath your ribcage. On the lateral side of your abdomen, the baby’s back will create a rounded and hard sensation and your belly button pokes out. The anterior position is considered the most ideal position for the baby.
On the other hand, your baby is in the posterior position if you feel kicks on your tummy and your belly button dips. Moreover, in the posterior position, your abdominal area may feel soft. When the baby takes this position, the mother is likely going to experience prolonged and painful labor and will have greater chances of undergoing instrumental or cesarean deliveries.
Do You Know the End Goal? Familiarize Yourself with It
For pregnant women, the end goal is always focused on having a safe and easy delivery. But this is not possible if the baby is not engaged in labor. The baby has to be in the right position for easy and quick labor to happen. What is the best position for the baby?
The best position is head down, facing the back. The baby’s back should ideally be at the left side of the tummy. In this kind of position, the baby can fit into the pelvis perfectly. The back portion of his head will press on the cervix, thus opening it widely for labor to push through. Since the back of the baby is the heaviest, it will naturally position at the lowest section of the abdomen.
Move Your Body
One of the most helpful ways to get baby to engage in labor is to do some exercises that will actually position the baby on the pelvic area. Below are some of the most common exercises performed during the last weeks of pregnancy.
Many pregnant women prefer walking during the later trimesters because it is easy and has been proven to help in making labor progress smoothly. Walking is also considered a gentle form of aerobic exercise that can aid in controlling weight gain. It opens the pelvis and relaxes the hip muscles.
Taking a walk in the neighborhood or at the park or wherever you feel comfortable is great. Walking is a moderately intense aerobic workout. If you lack exercise during the entire pregnancy period, start gradually. Walk for at least 10 minutes each day and slowly increase to 30 minutes.
For pregnant women, squatting can be a difficult exercise to perform. But reality is, squatting is good in the sense that it brings many benefits. Squatting helps in increasing the size of the pelvis and with the aid of gravity, a squat position helps the baby drop into the pelvic region.
Moreover, a squatting position helps strengthen the legs and the hips for easy labor. However, this exercise must be performed with extra caution especially during the third trimester.
Birthing Ball
The use of a birthing ball will help pregnant mothers avoid injuring themselves or falling. During the final week of your pregnancy, it helps a lot to have a birthing ball where you can sit and encourage the baby to drop into the pelvis. The use of a birthing ball will also help relieve the pressure and boost the flow of blood to the baby. Sitting on a birthing ball is strongly encouraged during the last four or six weeks of pregnancy.
This helps the baby rotate into the most ideal position for easy delivery and reduced risk of back labor pain.
Tilting of the Pelvis
Pelvic tilting can be performed during the entire pregnancy period. Rocking the pelvis is a gentle method to get baby to engage in labor. It strengthens and stretches the primary muscles and relieves lower back pain. The occurrence of lower back pain is usually apparent during the second and third trimesters.
Tilting of the pelvis also helps relieve indigestion and nausea that are commonly encountered in the final trimester. Pelvic tilting is performed by getting on your knees and hands. Hands must be positioned directly below the shoulders. As you assume this position, the pelvis must be gently tilted forward while the lower back is relaxed.
Hold for a few seconds and bring the pelvis back to a normal position, and following this, repeat the procedure for another two or three minutes.
It is about time to stop wondering how to get baby to engage in labor. The steps and procedures included in this article will surely help you achieve an easier and quicker labor and delivery. Remember, there are several other forms of methods and exercises to help the baby drop into the pelvis.
Simply be more imaginative and creative to help the labor and delivery process progress smoothly.
How do you get your baby to engage in labor? Share your ideas with us!